Posts Tagged ‘happiness’

Chaos, Calm & Creativity

Chaos, Calm & Creativity

It’s a myth that Happiness comes with calm, complacent serenity.

Happiness flows from action, achievement, accomplishment and activity.

Our happiest moments often come at our most exuberant, creative times. Most people feel extraordinarily happy when they are in their most creative state. Creativity comes with energy, enthusiasm and excitement.

“In Italy for thirty years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, bloodshed – but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love, five hundred years of democracy and what did that produce – the cuckoo clock!”
~ Orson Wells, The Third Man, 1949.

Happiness springs from creativity, energy and excitement.

Happiness Habit: Skills & Strategies of Habitually Happy People
Copyright 1999 –Michele Moore. All Rights Reserved. Reprints.

Focus On How You Want To Feel

Focus On How You Want To Feel

Habitually Happy People know how they like to feel, they have a sort of Best Self optimal way of being and feeling. They try to be that way and feel that way most of the time.

Yes, like the rest of us, they times when they fall into the dumps or doldrums. But they catch themselves and try to stop, re energize and return to their Best Self way of being.

They’ll say, “I don’t like myself when I feel or act that way.”

They focus on how they want to feel and try to become that way. When you focus on a bad feelings they expand in your mind. Happy People focus on how they want to feel, not on what they want to cast off.

It’s a powerful technique from the Happiness Habit!

Happiness Habit: Skills & Strategies of Habitually Happy People
Copyright 1999 – Michele Moore. All Rights Reserved.  Reprints.

Happy People Define Themselves

Habitually Happy People Define Themselves

Habitually Happy People are happy because they decided to define themselves to be happy people. At some critical point in their lives, they resolved to cast off all unnecessary unhappiness, misery and negativity. They consciously decided to develop themselves to be happy people. They gradually acquired the thoughts, feelings and actions of happy people.

Many of the habitually happy people we interviewed and studied said they came from dismal, unhappy, dysfunctional family situations or backgrounds. They didn’t want to be or become just a product of their environment and experience, they wanted far more for their lives.

So they cast off past pain and misery and developed themselves into happy, successful people. It was a goal that became a sort of role for them. Gradually, over time, they adopted the positive, successful perspectives and habits that lead to a happy, successful life. They developed themselves into happy people. They decided to define who they would be and become.

The same skills and perspectives are available to all of us!

Happiness Habit – Skills & Strategies of Habitually Happy People
Copyright 1999 – Michele Moore. All Rights Reserved. Reprints.

Love Propels Happiness

Love Propels Happiness

Happiness comes with the excited, exuberant, elated emotion we feel when we are in love with what we’re doing, the people around us, the future ahead of us. Love is exciting, delighting, empowering, uplifting. Love sends our spirits soaring.

Happy people love the world around them, their work, their future, they love everything the do. Love propels their happiness. Habitually happy people have decided to try to love all of the time.

Love is an active verb, it is something we decide to do and it’s an emotion we feel.

To live a happier life, propel your happiness with love. Decide to try to love all of the time.

Happiness Habit: Skills & Strategies of Habitually Happy People
Copyright 1999 – Michele Moore. All Rights Reserved.   Reprints.