Posts Tagged ‘happy people’

Lie, Cheat or Steal?

“You Can’t Lie, Cheat or Steal Your Way To Happiness!”

Habitually Happy people are high achievers, they believe in trying to be their best and doing their best all of the time. They are goal oriented, but there are lines they definitely will not cross.

“When I do my best I can let go of the results knowing I can do no more,” one said.

“You cannot lie, cheat or steal your way to happiness,” another commented. “You can lie, cheat and steal your way to riches, power and position. We all know people who do, but none of them seem to be truly happy.”

That’s true, they know they are not doing their best and they are not proud of their actions. They also don’t want to be found out.  They often feel empty or like fakes or frauds.

For some people money is all important. The more they value it, the less happy they seem to be. And there are lots of people who have money but no happiness.

For others power is the primal drive. Power and control over others distorts relationships and keeps the honesty and love that propels true happiness from ever flowering.

Think of people with lots of money and power who have lost touch with reality precisely because of these things. A certain fading, moon walking rock star comes immediately to mind.

“I have never been able to conceive how any rational being could propose happiness to himself from the exercise of power over others.” Thomas Jefferson, Third President of the United States (1743-1826)

Jefferson was a man with money and power who realized the emptiness of both.

Can you be happy with lots of money, power and fame? Absolutely! But not if you make them your major concern.

The people who are happiest have made happiness their primary aim and goodness their guiding goal.

Copyright 1999 –     , Michele Moore. All Rights Reserved. Reprints.

Warm Welcome

Extend A Warm Welcome To Everyone You Meet

Habitually Happy people choose to cultivate a warm, enthusiastic, energetic spirit. It’s their Best Way of Being, the Optimal Best Self target they continually try to attain and maintain. Why not try to feel your best, do your best, and be at your best all of the time?

If you summon up a sense of fun and sparkle, and honestly project it, you can’t help but take on a positive mood yourself. Try to touch each person you meet with a genuinely warm, caring spirit. Make genuine goodness your guiding goal.

Habitually happy people extend a warm welcome to everyone they meet. They continually try to touch each person they meet with a genuinely warm, kind, caring spirit. If they can help you, especially when it’s at no cost or risk to them, they will always do it because that’s the way they want to live. They don’t withold help to gain control or advantage.

They don’t try to change a person’s mood or become let’s be happy cheer leaders. They simply greet everyone warmly, they try to touch each person they meet with a genuinely positive spirit. If it comes back to them, so much the better. If it doesn’t, they don’t worry. By extending warmth and goodness to others they feel it within themselves.

Happiness Habit: Skills & Strategies of Habitually Happy People
Copyright 1999 – Michele Moore. All Rights Reserved. Reprints

See Yourself Smiling, Successful & Happy

See Yourself Smiling, Successful & Happy

Stop for a moment, detach from what you’re doing. Take a few deep breaths and relax. In your mind’s eye, see yourself smiling, successful and happy. Take a moment to relish those good feelings, connect with them and make them your own. Now radiate and project those positive, happy, successful feelings.

You’ll find yourself smiling, and feeling happy and successful.

We tend to take on the feelings we consciously choose to radiate and project. Summon up a sense of joy and genuinely project it, you will feel happy.

Happiness Habit: Skills & Strategies of Habitually Happy People
Copyright 1999 – Michele Moore. All Rights Reserved.  Reprints.

Focus On How You Want To Feel

Focus On How You Want To Feel

Habitually Happy People know how they like to feel, they have a sort of Best Self optimal way of being and feeling. They try to be that way and feel that way most of the time.

Yes, like the rest of us, they times when they fall into the dumps or doldrums. But they catch themselves and try to stop, re energize and return to their Best Self way of being.

They’ll say, “I don’t like myself when I feel or act that way.”

They focus on how they want to feel and try to become that way. When you focus on a bad feelings they expand in your mind. Happy People focus on how they want to feel, not on what they want to cast off.

It’s a powerful technique from the Happiness Habit!

Happiness Habit: Skills & Strategies of Habitually Happy People
Copyright 1999 – Michele Moore. All Rights Reserved.  Reprints.

Happy People Define Themselves

Habitually Happy People Define Themselves

Habitually Happy People are happy because they decided to define themselves to be happy people. At some critical point in their lives, they resolved to cast off all unnecessary unhappiness, misery and negativity. They consciously decided to develop themselves to be happy people. They gradually acquired the thoughts, feelings and actions of happy people.

Many of the habitually happy people we interviewed and studied said they came from dismal, unhappy, dysfunctional family situations or backgrounds. They didn’t want to be or become just a product of their environment and experience, they wanted far more for their lives.

So they cast off past pain and misery and developed themselves into happy, successful people. It was a goal that became a sort of role for them. Gradually, over time, they adopted the positive, successful perspectives and habits that lead to a happy, successful life. They developed themselves into happy people. They decided to define who they would be and become.

The same skills and perspectives are available to all of us!

Happiness Habit – Skills & Strategies of Habitually Happy People
Copyright 1999 – Michele Moore. All Rights Reserved. Reprints.

Happiness Is Kind

Happiness Is Kind

Kindness is Goodness and Love in Action.

Kindness is reaching out and giving a gift of caring, compassion and concern to others. Even small, seemingly insignificant gestures can often mean a great deal to a person in need.

Habitually Happy People are extraordinarily kind. And they are also very independent. They are the ones who will break from the crowd to extend kindness to an individual in distress when everyone else is hostile or aloof. They do it because no one else is doing it and they know it needs to be done.

By extending love and kindness to others we feel love within ourselves. When we extend love to the unlovable, we become certain we are loved and lovable ourselves.

Happiness Habit: Skills & Strategies of Habitually Happy People
Copyright 1999 – Michele Moore. All Rights Reserved. Reprints.

Guided By Goodness

Happiness is Guided By Goodness

“Happy People Are Never Wicked” – Dutch Proverb

We are often surprised how very happy truly good people are. Truly happy people are guided by goodness and they make goodness a goal. They continually try to do their best, feel their best and be at their best. Goodness is a central part of being their best.

Goodness allows them to live in harmony and be respected by others. Goodness allows them to act and think consistently with their highest and best values. Goodness is very powerful, goodness is eternal and universal.

Evil is always driven by some sort of self interest, sometimes twisted and covert. Evil is a departure from goodness that brings gain to some from the pain of others. Competition is not inherently evil, good competition prompts everyone to gain.

Goodness prevails because it is in the best interest of many, not just a few.

Try guiding your life with goodness, make goodness a goal. It’s a way to be happy.

HappinessHabit: Skills & Strategies for Living A Happy Life
Copyright 1999 – Michele Moore. All Rights Reserved.  Reprints.

Love Propels Happiness

Love Propels Happiness

Happiness comes with the excited, exuberant, elated emotion we feel when we are in love with what we’re doing, the people around us, the future ahead of us. Love is exciting, delighting, empowering, uplifting. Love sends our spirits soaring.

Happy people love the world around them, their work, their future, they love everything the do. Love propels their happiness. Habitually happy people have decided to try to love all of the time.

Love is an active verb, it is something we decide to do and it’s an emotion we feel.

To live a happier life, propel your happiness with love. Decide to try to love all of the time.

Happiness Habit: Skills & Strategies of Habitually Happy People
Copyright 1999 – Michele Moore. All Rights Reserved.   Reprints.